Okay, so I always figured I was never ever never going to write anything with another person. Like, I tried it when I was fourteen/fifteen (I don't know exactly when; it was that age when my writing was self-apologetic and overly dramatic), and it didn't go over all that well. I wanted the story to go all super cool plot and she wanted it to go all emotional resonance.
It lasted a couple chapters, if I remember correctly.
Anyway, I'm 23 now, and I got an invitation in my inbox for a collaboration. Not a big book that would be published in New York or anything, but a fun little exercise, just to share with the Internet for free and for fun, in which we'd write a 24-author 24-tribute Hunger Games/Marvel Universe event. Every Tribute, Mentor, Capitol Escort, stylist, everybody, would be a Marvel character of some kind.
My inner fangirl was thrilled.
I ended up getting to write the character of Kate Bishop (look her up; she's amazing) and went about my business writing my part of the chapter.
It was all business as usual. I mean, after all, all I had to do was write a lone wolf archer, just write my chapters and turn them in on time, right?
And then, the chatting started up.
Little introverted me was all "Oh, that's fun. All the authors are getting together and talking. I should probably introduce myself."
Oh no. Oh no. Bad road. I got sucked in so fast.
Next thing I know, I'm reading rough drafts of everyone's chapters. I'm swapping scenes with people to get constructive feedback and giving feedback on their ideas and possibilities and characterizations.
Next thing I know, I'm already swapping ideas for upcoming chapters that haven't even been assigned. I'm discussing possible future interactions with other characters for my character.
Next thing I know, the time comes for all 24 characters to be in the Capitol, and we can't go fast enough chatting with each other about possible interactions and costumes and all sorts of ideas.
I've got a conversation in my inbox that lasted at least 30 different chats with just me and a fellow writer going back and forth basically having a conversation as our characters.
I've got hilarious little snippets of other people's characters from both their chapters and mine.
I've got little sneak-peeks of what's to come from these amazing authors.
I've got tips and tricks on how to improve from other writers reading my rough drafts.
Seriously, this is the most fun I've had in ages. This is the most supportive, wonderful, amazing group of writers, and we're all taking the time out of our usual writing schedule and our busy lives to just have fun.
This is the best. Seriously, if you ever get the chance to write in a group, do it.
Well, y'know, do it if the company's good ;)
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