Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Brain? Brain? Hello? It's Me. Your Body. I Would Like to Go to Sleep Now. Can You Stop Writing for a Sec?

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Dear Brain,

Hello. This is your body speaking.

I know we talk all the time, and I know you think we've got this communication thing down. I mean, I'd think after a twenty-four-ish year relationship, we'd really have something real, right?

And I mean, I love you. I really do. You're all that keeps me going in life.

But darling, we have got to talk about your sleeping habits. Because you don't seem to have any.

Now, I don't mind if you go all daydreamy on me, because heaven knows life is five hundred times as interesting when I'm sitting on the couch dreaming up new ways to make my quadruple agent character even cooler than he already is than when I'm just ... sitting on the couch.

And I don't even mind if you do a little thinking before we go to bed, because we all know that when I'm relaxed, that's when you start getting ideas. I've even started keeping a notebook by the bed so I can write while you spew your nonsense.

It's just that you don't stop.

I know, I know. It's our passion. It's our life. It's writing.

But, like, I need sleep. Really badly. 

I know you're trying. I know that when you start drifting off into the Land of Plotting that you try to counter with something else. I know we've got one particular dream in which we get as far as "I've arrived at this place and this is what I look like and here are my bags I'm about to unpack" before we're dead asleep. So, you see, I know it's possible.

So how come you're still going?

At one point do I start looking into research into an off switch?

Because I know you get frustrated when we're tired. You can't work properly. How feels?

Seriously, just shut up for eight hours a day. Can you do that for me? Just stop, turn off, and let me sleep.

I'll even let you pilot the dreams. Pick whatever you want. Just get to the REM part of dreaming first, not the daydreaming part. Okay? That's all I ask.

Pretty please?


Your Body

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